Overcome The Challenges of Winter in the Workplace
Winter can sneak up on you without giving you the chance to prepare (happens to the best of us!)
From having proper matting in place, to providing your employees with the outerwear needed to stay warm, we can help take some of that winter prepping off your plate.

Keep Your Floors Clean, Dry & Safe
About 85% of workers' compensation claims are due to slips, trips, and falls - and the chances of this type of injury increase every winter season due to wet floors.
Placing floor mats in high traffic areas, entrances, and in places where floors are more likely to get slippery (due to drink dispensers, sinks, etc.) is a great place to start to stay ahead of this risk! That is why we offer the 3-Mat Entrance Solution - a three step approach to combat dirty floors.
All of our floor mats are NFSI High-Traction Certified, which means they have been evaluated to have a wet slip resistance. This certification, proper mat placement throughout your facility, and a managed mat laundering service (to keep your mats clean and efficient), will significantly reduce the snow that is tracked indoors, making your facility a safer place to work.
It is also worth mentioning that wetness and dirt decrease the quality of your floors - a proper matting solution protects your investment.
Stay Ahead of Flu Season With Accessible First Aid
With winter comes the dreaded flu season, which means now is a better time than ever to provide your employees with the first aid they need to not only alleviate symptoms, but to show them how much you care about their wellbeing.
Studies show that workers are overwhelmingly positive about having OTC (over the counter) medications in the workplace. 89% of workers surveyed believed OTC medications provided by the company helped them feel well enough to complete their shift (University of Michigan workplace study sponsored by Medique Products).
Our first aid cabinets are stocked with the necessary products to keep your business compliant, while also offering custom add-ins to meet the specific needs of your industry and employees!

Stay Warm Without Sacrificing Style & Function
A complete uniform is the best uniform. You don't need to sacrifice warmth for style & function. Our work jackets are meant to pair perfectly with the rest of your uniform to create a look that represents your brand.
Our work jackets and vests have pockets to carry the workday essentials, all while being comfortable and looking great!
Say Goodbye To Unwanted Germs
Winter is an important time to watch out for germs in the workplace (well, it's always important, but you know what we mean!)
Making sure you have functional soap and sanitizer dispensers can be easily overlooked, especially if you are busy handling your other business needs.
Our managed restroom and sanitation services ensure you will always have inventory readily available, so that you can prioritize your time on things that matter most to you.
We offer hands-free dispensers for sanitary, hygienic dispensing of soap, hand sanitizer, and paper products.

Our Route Service Representatives will take care of your winter prepping so that you can focus on what truly matters - your business!